

All Activities of Experimental Theatre Resumed With Vigor.

Rehearsals have begun for the first 47 Workshop production of the year, to be given at Agassiz House, Radcliffe, on November 17 and 18. The play to be presented is Miss Caroline Budd's "The Only Girl in Sight," one of the winners of the MacDowell Fellowship this year.

The work of Professor Baker's experimental theatre, now in its third season, is going on as rapidly as possible in the restricted quarters available. This organization has been found to be absolutely essential to the work in the courses on the Technique of the Drama, and this year more than ever, since English 47 and 47a are both being given. English 47a is a course for graduates from English 47 and is more advanced. The enthusiasm of both the actors and those interested in the allied arts of the stage is greater this year than ever before. Though still existing under the same disadvantages as last season, having to borrow from Radcliffe what it cannot get here in the University, namely stage, auditorium, and storage space, the 47 Workshop is resuming its unique work with renewed vigor. The departments of acting, costuming, scene painting, stage designing and lighting are being organized on a larger scale the year and everything points to a successful season. The great need of this organization is a building of its own, as the conditions under which it now exists are very hampering to its work.
