

Logan, Bradlee, Hardwick, and Mahan In Backfield Positions and Trumbull at Right Tackle.

The football situation assumed a distinctly brighter hue yesterday afternoon when the University team lined up with a backfield composed of Logan, Bradlee, Hardwick and Mahan, and with acting Captain Trumbull back at tackle. The prospects for a victory over Michigan next Saturday are materially increased by the return of these regulars.

Pennock was out in playing clothes and took a few turns around the Stadium track so there is a possibility that he also may be in good condition by the end of the week. The extent of Soucy's injury is unknown as yet, an x-ray taken Sunday giving evidence of a slipped cartilage in the knee which may or may not prove serious. The doctors are awaiting future developments of the injury with great interest; in any events it is feared that he will be out of the game for some time. Wallace played well at center Saturday, and C. Coolidge showed promise at end, so that Soucy's loss may be temporarily covered up to some extent.

Signals, a short drill in defensive work, punting practice for the backs, and a little special coaching of individual men, made up the bulk of the afternoon's work. Parson's work in Saturday's game was of sufficient merit to place him at left tackle as the first string man for the position. He will be given a thorough try-out this week and will receive careful individual instruction in the finer points of playing in the line.

The line-up was as follows: le., T. J. Coolidge; l.t., Parsons; l.g., Weston; c, Wallace; r.g.; Withington; r.t., Trumbull; r.e., C. Coolidge; q. b., Logan; l.h.b., Mahan; r.h.b., Hardwick; f.b., Bradlee.
