

Fifth Ellot and Thayer Crews to Race for Filley Cup.--Dormitory Boats for Slocum Trophy.

The regatta which marks the end of the fall rowing season starts this afternoon, the two fifth Eliot and Thayer crews opposing each other in the first races of the competition for the Filley cup at 4.15 o'clock, and the three third dormitory boats contending in the first of the races for the Slocum trophy at 4.30 o'clock. A system of marking has been established which is so arranged that every crew contributes to the final score, the dormitory or club having the greatest total being awarded their respective trophies. The scoring will be done on the following basis for the Filley cup;

To winning first crew--5 points.

To winning second crew--4 points.

To winning third crew--3 points.

To winning fourth crew--2 points.


To winning fifth crew--1 point.

In case a second crew wins its heat, the club which it represents shall be entitled to 5 points; the first crew which defeats its opposing crew in the same heat receiving 4 points. The same ruling applies to third and fourth crews racing in the same heat. Should the winning crew in any Filley cup race lap its opponent the scoring will be compiled on the following basis: First place, if won by a first crew, 4 points; by a second crew, 3 points; by a third crew, 2 1-2 points; by a fourth crew, 1 1-2 points; by a fifth crew, 3-4 point. Second place; for a first or second crew, 1 point; for a third or fourth crew, 1-2 point; for a fifth crew 1-4 point.

The scoring of points in the races for the Slocum trophy is as follows: First place counts 5 for a first crew, 4 for a second, and 3 for a third. Second place counts 2 points and third 1 in any case. As first crews cannot compete against seconds or thirds for this trophy the system of figuring the score is greatly simplified.
