
Facts of University Interest

The football game with Michigan will be played at 2 o'clock Saturday, instead of at 3 o'clock as usual.

Elbert Hubbard, the eminent author and lecturer, will address the members of the Union tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.

The Rovers defeated the Somerville baseball nine 1 to 0 yesterday. A practice game will be played with the Freshmen today.

Professor J. H. Ropes will speak to all men in the University interested in the subject on "The Apostolic Age" in Perkins 79 at 7.30 o'clock.

The "Braves" defeated the "Red Sox" in the fourth game of the scrub lacrosse series yesterday by the score of 5 to 1. This afternoon the "Athletics" play the "Red Sox."


The open meeting of the Speakers' Club for the discussion by undergraduates of the causes of the war, which was to have been held this evening will take place next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.

The second meeting of the 1917 debating society will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union at 8 o'clock this evening. All Sophomores who are at all interested in debating are urged to attend the meeting.

A special service for Freshmen will be held tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in Appleton Chapel. Professor E. C. Moore will conduct the service and President Lowell, Dean Briggs and Dean Thayer will speak.

Time trials for the University and Freshman cross-country squads will be held this afternoon; for the former, to pick the runners for the Cornell race next Saturday, and for the latter, in preparation for the run with the Providence Technical high school Friday.
