

Winners of Dormitory and Haughton Series to Play For Title.

The interdormitory and Haughton Cup series of football games, which were inaugurated this year for the purpose of bringing out material and developing latent ability are now under way. The dormitories are each represented by a first team composed of those men on the Freshman squad who were not retained for the 1918 team, and have already played two of their scheduled games. The Haughton Cup series brought out enough men to form three teams and a series of games will be held between these teams, which are designated as "A", "B", and "C", to determine the winners of the individual cups which Coach Haughton contributed in order to stimulate the game. The winning dormitory team will play the victorious Haughton Cup team a two out of three series of games. The remainder of the schedule for the Freshman teams is as follows, all games to be played at 3 o'clock:

October 27, Standish vs. Gore.

October 30, Smith vs. Standish.

November 3, Smith vs. Gore.

November 6, Standish vs. Gore.


November 10, Smith vs. Standish.

November 13, Smith vs. Gore.

November 17, Standish vs. Gore.

The Haughton Cup schedule is:

October 28, Team A vs. Team B.

November 2, Team A vs. Team C.

November 5, Team B vs. Team C.

November 9, Team A vs. Team B.

November 12, Team A vs. Team C.

November 16, Team B vs. Team C.

The winners of the two series will play on November 19 and 23. If a third game is necessary it will take place on November 25.
