Yesterday's events brought the annual fall handicap meet to an end. The series this year has been extraordinarily successful, there being a large number of contestants for each event and nearly all the results unusually good, even for a handicap meet. The practice has been invaluable in preparing the men for the meet with Technology tomorrow and judging by the records made during the past week the showing of the University should be excellent. Yesterday's events in detail follow:
Broad jump--Won by M. L. Greeley Jr., '15 (6 in.); second, G. G. Haydock '16 (9 in.); third, H. W. D. Rudd '15 (scratch). Distance, 20 feet, 8 1-2 inches.
Hammer-throw--Won by H. S. Sturgis '15 (scratch); second, E. R. Roberts '10 (15 feet); third, R. C. Curtis '16 (25 feet). Distance, 130 feet, 10 inches.
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