Three more events in the handicap track series were run off yesterday afternoon with an unusually large number of entries for each event. The winners, their times and handicaps follow:
90-yard high hurdles, (no handicaps).--Won by W. H. Meanix '16; second, M. P. Robinson '15; third, L. S. Kubie '16. Time, 12 2-5 seconds.
120-yard low hurdles (no handicaps).--Won by W. H. Meanix '16; second, M. P. Robinson '15; third, R. G. Donahue '16. Time, 14 seconds.
Pole-vault.--Won by J. B. Camp '15 (scratch); second, G. G. Haydock '16 (4 inches); third, L. G. Richards '16 (3 inches). Height, 11 feet, 6 inches.
The following events, scheduled for today, will close the meet: at 2.30 o'clock--broad-jump; at 3 o'clock--hammer-throw.
Entries for the dual meet with Technology on Saturday, close today at 6 o'clock. Blue-books have been placed at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Locker Building, and the Hemenway Gymnasium, and all men who wish to compete must sign up before tonight.
This meet will be open to all track men, both from the University and Freshman teams, from both colleges. No one will be allowed to compete, however, who has not passed his strength test. No scoring will be done for either college, but ribbons will be awarded the winners of the first four places in each event. The following events will be run: 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, 880-yard run, 3-mile run, 120-yard high hurdles, 220-yard low hurdles, shot-put, broad jump, high jump, pole-vault and hammer throw.
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Schedule of Events1:45 Javelin throw 2:40 Running high jump Pole vault Running broad jump Discus throw 120-yard high hurdles (trials) 2:55 100-yard