Starting changes in the line-up of the University football team marked the beginning of a reconstruction of the team. The most important shifts apparent in yesterday's practice were the shifting of Soucy from centre to end, displacing Weatherhead, and the placing of Wallace at centre. End is a new position for Soucy, but he tackles low and hard, and diagnoses the opponent's play quickly. Last year Wallace played in the backfield but his defensive play was exceptionally good. Trumbull was out in playing clothes once more but did not scrimmage. Hardwick and Mahan are coming around fast, while Logan is improving more slowly.
Nearly all of the first string men were in the University line-up for dummy practice and signal drill, but substitutes displaced them in the long scrimmage against the second team. In the scrimmage Parson played left tackle, Atkinson was at centre, Withington and Underwood alternated at right guard and Francke and Whitney replaced Hardwick and Bradlee in the backfield. The University team scored four times against Team B, and kept its own goal line un-crossed. Whitney, Francke with an 80-yard run, McKinlock and King each scored a touchdown. Willcox substituted for Swigert at quarter.
Apparently the Canadian players are going to demonstrate to the University team forward passes as Yale uses them, rather than show them a number of new formations in open attack.
The first line-up of the University team was as follows: l.e., T. J. Coolidge; l.t., R. Curtis; l.g., Weston; c., Wallace; r.g., Pennock; r.t., Bigelow; r.e., Soucy; q.b., Swigert; l.h.b., McKinlock; r.h.b., Hardwick; f.b., Bradlee.
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