

Standish and Smith Halls Meet in Opening Contest Tomorrow.

The first game in the Freshman interdormitory football series will be played tomorrow afternoon, when teams representing Standish and Smith Halls clash on Soldiers Field. The second contest will be on Friday between Smith and Gore Halls. All men who intend to try for the interdormitory teams are expected to report at the Locker Building today at 3 o'clock for regular practice.

F. Wigglesworth '15, L. Saltonstall '14, and J. A. Gilman, Jr., '16 will coach the dormitory teams, while P. Withington '10 will have charge of the regular 1918 eleven. Players not listed on the Freshman squad should report for the dormitory teams, as the make-up of the squad is by no means definite and marked ability on the part of any man in the interdormitory series will secure for him promotion to Squad A.
