

Defeats E. H. Foreman '16, 473 to 477 on Recount of Ballots.

The recounting of the votes cast for secretary-treasurer of the Junior class yesterday resulted in the election of Frederic Percival Clement, Jr., of Watertown, N. Y., who defeated E. H. Foreman '16 by a small plurality. The following table shows how the votes ran:   Clement  Foreman  Whistler Firsts,  92  98  61 Seconds,  93  77  79 Thirds,  65  75  110 Points,  473  477  549

Section 7 of Article III of the Constitution for the three lower classes explains the method of preferential balloting: "The system of preferential voting described below shall be used in all class elections. Each elector shall indicate his order of preference for all the candidates for each office. A first choice shall count one, a second two, and so on. The candidate receiving the lowest numerical total shall be declared elected."
