

Young and Richardson Have Replaced Parson and H. S. Middendorf.

A continuation of exceptionally fine weather has favored the 16 crews working out on the river every afternoon. The two University boats are taking long daily paddles from Stillman Infirmary to the Union Boat Club, paying particular attention to the finish. The condition of the men is improving steadily, the benefits derived from the fall rowing season being obvious. Young has replaced Parson at number 6 in Crew B, and Richardson has moved up to Crew A. H. S. Middendorf being unable to row at present because of an injured hand.

The order of the University crews at present is as follows:

Crew A.--Stroke, Harwood; 7, Ely; 6, Stebbins; 5, Schall; 4, Talcott; 3, Richardson; 2, Fuller; bow, Busk; cox., Kreger.

Crew B.--Stroke, Brown; 7, H. Cabot; 6, Young; 5, J. W. Middendorf; 4, Lund; 3, Meyer; 2, Culbert; bow, Captain Murray; cox., Cameron.

The 90 Freshmen that reported for rowing have been divided into nine boats, three representing each dormitory. Those men who have had previous experience are rowing daily on the river; the remainder of the squad are being taught the rudiments of oarsmanship on the machines and in the pair-oar. Under the tutelage of Coach MacVicar the men are fast rounding into shape.


There are eight club crews practising every afternoon in preparation for the race to be held October 28. Coach Brown has some husky men in these crews who are showing a lot of promise.
