

1917 Team Will Continue.--First Meeting for Freshmen Tomorrow.

The Freshman Debating Club will hold its first meeting tomorrow evening in the Common Room of Smith Hall at 8 o'clock. A constitution will be framed and temporary officers will be elected. Professor W. Z. Ripley, Judge A. P. Stone, and P. L. Sayre '16 will speak.

Sophomores to Have Class Team.

A unique step is to be taken this year by the authorities of the 1917 Debating Society. This organization had so successful a season last year as the Freshman Debating Society that it was felt that it might well be made permanent. With this end in view, it has been decided to call a reorganization meeting on Wednesday, October 21, in the Trophy Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock.

The purpose of the society is to give its members an opportunity for discussing questions of the day, and to provide better trained material for the University debating teams. The authorities hope that this step will result in having regular class debating societies, rather than merely a Freshman Society.

Judge A. P. Stone '93 will open the meeting, and there will be talks by undergraduates. The reasons for this step the objects it is hoped to attain, and the program for the year will be explained by the speakers. The tentative program as laid out includes regular bi-weekly meetings at which debates will be held, and outside debates with colleges and high schools. There are to be three men from the Debating Council to coach the Society. They will be appointed later.
