
Student Volunteers to Confer

The Student Volunteer League of Greater Boston, an organization of students who are going into foreign mission work, will meet here on October 24 and 25. Most of the meetings will be held in Phillips Brooks House. The registration of delegates should be complete by October 21. All names should be sent to F. T. Smith '15, Stoughton 5.

The subject to be considered is "American Students and the Changing World." Among the speakers will be: Dr. M. R. Edwards, Medical School '08, of the Harvard Medical School in Shanghai; Dr. J. N. Mills of Washington, D. C.; Professor I. W. Platner; and Mr. J. C. Robbins, Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions in New York. At one of the meetings will be a symposium on mission work by foreign students in America.

All students of the University and Radcliffe are invited to attend the conference.
