For the past two or three days the Boston papers have been greatly stirred up by the rumor that Harvard was to receive $10,000,000 from Mr. Wiener '00, provided that they dismissed Professor Muensterburg. This report started from a letter which was received by the Boston Globe, purporting to be a copy of a letter sent by Mr. Wiener to Dean Yeomans. In this letter Dr. Wiener is supposed to have stated that he had made a bequest of $10,000,000 to Harvard, but that, owing to certain remarks made by Professor Muensterburg in reference to the present European situation, he would withdraw this bequest unless Professor Muensterburg be dismissed.
So far, no letter has been received from Mr. Wiener at the Office, although a postal card announcing that a letter was on its way came in a few days ago. If the letter arrives, it will be submitted to the Corporation.
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