

Organization Inaugurated Last Year Has Many Advantages.

In order that the undergraduate body of Harvard may become better acquainted with the Economics Society, the following account of the history, the ideals and aims, and the outline of the coming year's work of the Society is printed.

The Economics Society was started last year, the principle aim being to give students opportunity for a broader insight into the study of Economics, through the medium of lectures, meetings and discussions. The work of the year was limited in order that a strong foundation might be secured. Meetings were held at which prominent men gave lectures, and members read papers.

A library was founded for the use of club members, to aid in preparing theses and promote research work. This year the library will be materially increased and will include books of statistics and economic theory, beside hundreds of pamphlets covering a wide range of subjects interesting to students of economics.

That the Society may afford even greater opportunities it has affiliated itself with the American Economic Association, the Intercollegiate Civic League of New York City and the International Polity Federation; thus giving its members the privilege of active membership in these larger organizations.

The work for the year will be done under the supervision, and with the assistance of some member of the Economics department. Professors, prominent men outside of the University and members will speak at the various meetings.


Every man who has taken a course in Economics should be in this Society, that the may reap the advantages which it offers. Application blanks for membership will be out October 20. On this should be registered the name, address, class, the number of courses taken in economics, and it should be mailed to E. L. Keyes '15, Holworthy 21.

The first meeting of the year will be October 20 in the Trophy Room of the Union. Professor Carver, who spent a part of last year at the Department of Agriculture in Washington, will give to the meeting the benefit of his experience there in a talk, the title of which is "The Organization of the Business Side of Farming." An informal discussion will follow the meeting, that the members may personally discuss any questions with Professor Carver.
