The CRIMSON extends another and final opportunity to the Sophomore class to try for positions on the news board. All men who are interested should report in the basement of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock. Although the competition started about a week ago, men who report now will not be seriously handicapped. The work consists chiefly in gathering and writing up University news. An excellent opportunity is thus afforded to become acquainted with the men prominent in undergraduate affairs, for the candidates are thrown with them constantly. The competition is also a valuable business training, for it not only gives a good first hand knowledge of newspaper work, but also skills a man in sizing up a situation and reaching a quick decision. There are several vacant positions on the board, from two to four of which--depending upon the capacity of the candidates--will be filled this fall.
Members of the Junior class will also be given another opportunity to make the CRIMSON board, by work in the editorial department. All candidates from the class of 1916 should report in the CRIMSON Office at 7 o'clock this evening, when the work of the competition will be outlined.
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