

University Players no Match for Boston Club, Losing 11 to 1.

The Boston Lacrosse Club, composed of former University players, defeated the University team in their annual game yesterday morning by the score of 11 to 1. The playing of the University team was not up to standard, Nightingale alone showing consistent work in handling his stick. Catton scored the only goal made by the University players.

For the remainder of the season the University squad will compete in scrub games, in preparation for the spring schedule. It is imperative that more Freshmen report for fall work, experience being unnecessary.

The University line-up yesterday follows: g., Cochran; p., Birch; c.p., J. Roberts; 1d., Catton; 2d., Rossback; 3d., Eliot; c., Vinal; 3a., Wanamaker; 2a., Leavitt; 1a., J. R. Fleming; o.h., C. S. Fleming; i.h., Captain Nightingale.
