Contrary to its previous custom, the Forum Committee does not plan to choose the subject for discussion at the next Forum itself but, in order to make the institution truly representative, invites suggestions from the members of the University. This is a further step toward the real purpose of the founders of this institution for open debate on subjects vitally concerning and coming from the student body.
The Harvard Forum was organized as a University institution by the Speakers' Club in the fall of 1912 and was convened five times during the college year. These meetings were open to all members of the University and attracted a large and representative average attendance. Problems relating to undergraduate life and also to broader questions of political significance were discussed. Experience proved that the former subject aroused much more interest and enthusiasm than the latter.
Since it is in the main true that the topics which attract the most interest are those dealing with the immediate problems of the University, the committee deems it advisable to use the Forum, for the present at least, principally for the discussion of important undergraduate subjects, such as "Should Hockey be made a Major Sport?" a question which was solved at one of the Forums last year. Herein the Forum offers an effective -- in practice, the only effective -- means of ascertaining undergraduate opinion, and it is therefore an invaluable aid to the Student Council.
In order to make the Forum fulfill its purpose and to make it of greatest possible benefit, all important questions concerning undergraduates should be brought before it. The Forum Committee, therefore, requests members of the University to send all subjects which they think should be discussed to the chairman of the committee, L. H. Mills '14, care of the Speakers' Club, 36 Quincy street.
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