The proportion of the Senior Class rooming in the Yard has grown steadily larger since the plan was first begun. The present Junior Class has from now till January 20 to determine what percent of the class of 1915 will be there next year. There are doubtless many hesitating as to their decision in the matter; the best thing for such men to do is to talk to members of the present Senior Class who are now rooming in the Yard. If they follow the advice of the great majority of these they will be found next year thankfully filling the places in the old dormitories of those who advised them. The many reasons, practical and sentimental, for rooming in the Yard are too well known to need repeating; against these arguments are opposing ones which when summed up, amount either to a little inconvenience or a great deal of laziness.
The decision once made, there is no time to be lost in forming, or becoming part of, a group. The quicker this is done the easier the situation will be to handle, and the greater the possibility of approximating success, which will never to complete until every Senior rooms among his classmates in the Yard.
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