Saturday, January 31.
Medical and Dental students are required to pay the second instalment of the tuition fee on or before this date.
3.00.--1917 hockey game with Andover in the Stadium.
8.15.--**Hockey with McGill in Arena.
7.15.--**Irish-American A. C. indoor track games. Mechanics Building, Boston.
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What is Going on Today.Academic year begins in all departments of the University. Payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee is required
University CalendarAcademic year begins in all departments of the University. Payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee is required
University CalendarMonday, January 31. **MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. H. S. Coffin, D.D. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M. Medical and Dental Students are
University CalendarWednesday, January 31. Medical and Dental Students are required to pay the second instalment of the tuition fee on or
What is Going on TodayAcademic year begins in all departments of University. Payment of first instalment of tuition fee is required of all students