

Dean of Yale Divinity School Will Preach Tomorrow at 11.

Dean Charles Reynolds Brown, D.D., of the Yale Divinity School, will conduct the service in Appleton Chapel tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.

Dr. Brown graduated from the University of Iowa in 1883, where he received his A.M. three years later. In 1896 he was called to Oakland, California, where he was for some years Pastor of the First Congregational Church. After taking a trip for study through Egypt and Palestine, he served as lecturer on ethics at Leland Stanford, Jr., University, at Yale, and at Cornell, and later became Dean of the Yale Divinity School. He is also well known to many college men for his talks at religious conferences particularly that held at Northfield in the latter part of June.

Students and their friends enter by the south side-door. Officers of the University and their families enter by the north side-door. The galleries only will be open to the public. No seats are reserved.
