

Crimson Stick-Wielders all Puckered Up in Preparation for Annual Victory over John's Journal.

After waiting in vain for two months to hear from the inhabitants of the Mt. Auburn street crazy house, the management of the CRIMSON hockey team finds that it must again be the aggressor. If there are seven men among the funny fellows who can skate (that is on ice), the editors of this sheet wish to inform them that they can't do the job well enough to trim the CRIMSON hockey team in a regulation game under catch as catch can or any other code of rules. The only restriction which we will insist on is that all of the Lampoon's ice shakers be bona-fide amateurs and that they have never played summer hockey for money.

Nothing to be Left but the "oon."

If Mr. Sizer and his proof readers care to take this seriously, let it be known that the game can be arranged for any day after the mid-year period. Further- more one might add by way of warning that although we may not dwell in halls of imported tile, we are the boys who put the ink in rink; aside from this we have destructive qualities and although we hate to make "light" of a serious subject we feel that we could take the lamp out of Lampoon. Be all this as it may, our forwards are alert and our wings are outstretched. Let the ibis drop his pen and the bird its egg for it is high time to receive your annual walloping. We trust Mr. Sizer will be able to locate six of his so-called "confreres" before the ice has melted. In the mean-while "Glory to the CRIMSON".
