

Considerable criticism has been made regarding the scarcity of seats for the Princeton hockey game last Saturday night. This criticism is based on the fact that a large number of the best seats were sold to speculators and ticket agencies, who resold them for the usual extra charge of fifty cents. It seems that this is hardly fair to the large number of Harvard and Princeton men who wanted to see that game, many of whom found it hard to pay even the regular price. Furthermore, the Princeton management had great difficulty in actually securing the disposal of one section which they had definitely engaged, because it was sold by mistake to a speculating agency. The Arena management may, of course, sell its tickets to whomsoever it chooses, but the criticism in this case is well merited, since every ticket for Saturday's game could easily have been disposed of in advance, at the regular price, and for the "personal use" of the purchaser. Is there need of the introduction of recent "world-series" ticket difficulties into amateur hockey?
