

Professor Hurgronje Begins Sixth Course at Lowell Institute.

The sixth course of lectures offered by the Lowell Institute will begin this afternoon at 5 o'clock when Professor C. Snouck Hurgronje, of the University of Leyden, Holland, gives the first lecture of a series on "Mohammedanism" in Huntington Hall. The special topic will be, "Mohammed; Past and Present Views of his Life and Work." Professor Hurgronje is a colleague at Leyden of Professor Lake, who gave the first course at the Institute this year.

Last Chance to Hear Mr. Wallas.

Mr. Graham Wallas, Reader in Political Science in the University of London, will finish his course of lectures on "The Man Behind the Vote" at the Lowell Institute this evening at 8 o'clock.

Admission to these lectures is free, but by ticket only. Tickets may be obtained of the Curator, Huntington Hall, Boston.
