

Tickets to be Sold.--Economy in New Method of Choice of Subject.

The University debating team this year will be supported entirely by the sale of admission tickets, according to the plans just announced by the officers of the Debating Council. This system will eliminate all solicitation of subscriptions among the undergraduates. The popular subject of Woman Suffrage is expected to draw a large enough audience to meet all the expenses of the team.

This plan was tried last year for the first time, and was thoroughly successful, the sale of tickets at the door just paying for the expenses of the season. It was found last year that the University was willing at a small entrance fee to fill Sanders Theatre, and the absence of a subscription canvass helped bring the activity into general favor.

To save the expense and inconvenience of the annual conference, the managements of the Harvard, Yale, and Princeton teams have agreed to choose the subjects for the triangular debates by correspondence. In drawing lots for first choice, the Yale authorities secured the right to name the subject next year, the exact wording of the question to be determined by Princeton. The following year Harvard will choose the subject, and in 1917 Harvard will have the right to revise the question chosen by Princeton. The only necessary conference under the new plan will be a triennial meeting merely to renew the terms of the agreement.
