With lack-lustre eyes we take our dials--those large, combination, chronological, time-telling dials which indicate the day of the month and the progress of the moon and give a musical interpretation of the hour, if you push the right button--from our pokes, and gaze. Funny enough! The Mid-Years are upon us. In short, they begin today. If they would only catch cold like the rest of us, and--here the analogy becomes ineffective--be permitted to hibernate for a week in Stillman, we could take advantage of the miserable weather to stay indoors and fortify our minds against them. We need just a week's fortification. But they wont. So we must make the best of a disagreeable thing, realizing that it is tradition, that a preponderating if not appalling number of men have passed through it before, and that in two weeks and three days, for even the most unfortunate of us, life will be flowing once more in the fulness of its joyous stream.
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