Colleagues of the late Professor Peirce in the two departments in which he held chairs have paid him tribute as man and scholar. To the appreciation of these who have known him best, the CRIMSON can only add its word of regret, and its word of gratitude for a lifetime of service to Harvard.
The CRIMSON takes great pleasure in announcing the election of Arthur Calvert Smith, of Milton, of the Senior class, as president; of Frederick Lincoln Cole, of Duluth, Minn., of the Junior class, as managing editor; of Dwight Harold Ingram, of Chicago, Ill., of the Sophomore class, as secretary; and of Pitman Benjamin Potter, of Long Branch, N. J., of the Senior class, as editorial chairman.
The CRIMSON also takes great pleasure in announcing the election of Lithgow Osborne, of Auburn, N. Y., and of Richard Edward Connell, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., both of the Junior class, as editorial editors; and of Percival Francis Reniers, of Pittsburgh, Pa., of Robert Hewins Stiles, of Fitchburg, and of William Key Bond Emerson, Jr., of New York, N. Y., all of the Sophomore class, as regular editors.
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