

Results of Yesterday's Games.--Today's Schedule.

The following games in the scrub hockey series will be played on the Stadium rink today at 3.30 o'clock: Bamboo Bear Cats vs. Late Comers and Whiffenpoofs vs. Miss Fitz. The following games will be played on the river in front of the Newell boathouse today at 3.30 o'clock: Alfalfas vs. Thuts, Hard Guys vs. Hump Ducks, and Kewpies vs. New Moons. Teams which do not report within 15 minutes of the times set will forfeit the game. The managers must leave a list of the men who played, together with the score in the box in the CRIMSON Office before 7 o'clock.

Yesterday's games resulted as follows: Never Sinks won by default; La Toscas 1, Follies 0; Puck Pingers 1, Decoys 0. Owing to poor weather conditions the other games scheduled for yesterday could not be played. All games scheduled must be played today. Any managers who agree to play future games before 3.30 o'clock should leave word in the scrub hockey box in the CRIMSON Office.
