

Short One-Act Places to be Produced in Spring.

Plays for the spring production of the Dramatic Club may be submitted at any time between now and February 15. It has been the custom of the club in the past to devote its spring production to the playing of three or four one-act pieces and the present plans are to follow the same policy. There is a possibility, however, that a long play will be produced, and if the judges find one that is above the average the club may be willing to vary from its usual practice. It is possible, also, that on short and one moderately long play may be produced on the same evening, following the nature of the presentation this fall. Members of the University are urged to submit plays, especially one-act pieces, of any character, serious or light. Manuscripts should be sent to J. K. Hodges. Randolph 13, or to I. Pichel, Brentford 33. The performance will come about the middle of April.
