

None Succeeded in Totaling as Large a Score as University

Of the eight teams remaining on the University's football schedule, three were defeated on Saturday, three were victorious, one held to a tie, and one did not play. All of the scores were rather close, Harvard rolling up a total more than twice as large as any of her competitors. The greatest margin among the teams which the University will meet was Williams's 14 to 0 victory over Renssalaer.

Yale Wins by Small Margin.

Yale defeated Holy Cross at New Haven on Saturday by the score of 10 to 0. The first tally was made during the opening period, when Guernsey made a drop-kick from the 15-yard line, and the second five minutes before the end of the game. This latter was made after Donovan of Holy Cross had punted out of bounds on his own 25-yard line; Yale rushed the ball to the 7-yard line, a forward pass advanced it 5 yards more, and a line-plunge sent Wilson across. Had it not been for Donovan's short kick, Yale would probably have been held to a 3 to 0 score.

The game was somewhat disappointing to the New Haven contingent, though the Holy Cross eleven was stronger than expected, and though Yale showed some improvement over her play in the Wesleyan contest. Five times Yale had the ball within striking distance of the Holy Cross goal but on three of these occasions lost it on downs or fumbling, scoring on the other two. On the other hand, Holy Cross twice worked down into Yale territory far enough to try for field-goals, both of which fell short.

Though it was expected that Yale would use many substitutes, only two changes were made in the line-up. The play of both sides was ragged, marked by frequent fumbling, especially on the part of the two quarterbacks. Neither team showed ability to gain substantially through the line. Holy Cross meets the University on October 18.


Princeton Held to Low Score.

Princeton was also held to a low score by Rutgers, having difficulty in pulling out a 14 to 3 victory. In the first period, Princeton succeeded in rushing the ball far into the opponents' territory, and scored on a beautiful forward pass from Brown to Captain Baker.

The second touchdown came after a sensational 60-yard run by Glick, Baker kicking goal. During the two final periods, however, Rutgers outplayed Princeton in almost every department, and made their only score on a beautiful field-goal by Talman. The entire game was marred by the continual infliction of penalties on both elevens.

Cornell and Colgate Tie.

Neither Cornell nor Colgate was able to register a score in their contest at Ithaca on Saturday, battling to a 0 to 0 tie. The ball was constantly see-sawed up and down the field, Cornell being kept on the defensive most of the time. In the final period, though Cornell worked the ball to their opponents' 1-yard line, a series of plunges failed to advance it further, and it went to Colgate on downs.

Barrett, the Cornell quarterback, did phenomenal work in punting and running back, often getting away for large gains. Colgate was ineffective in line play, and was forced to resort to many fake passes and trick formations.

Brown Plays Ragged Game.

Brown suffered defeat at the hands of Colby, the latter eleven scoring a touchdown and a drop-kick for a total of 10 points, and playing its opponents to a standstill. Though Brown's prospects thus far during the season have been far from bright, her work Saturday was a great disappointment to her followers.

Early in the game, Captain Henry of Brown got away around Colby's right end for a 15-yard run and a touchdown, but fumbled in crossing the line, giving Colby a touchback on her recovery of the ball behind the goal. Brown will play the University a week before the Yale game.

Bates Defeated by Tufts.

Bates who meets the University next Saturday, was also unfortunate, allowing Tufts to register a 15 to 7 victory. Though Bates drew first blood, making a touchdown shortly after the opening of the contest, Tufts scored a field-goal during the initial period, and followed it up with two touchdowns in the third and fourth periods. Though both teams attempted much open play forward pass after forward pass was unsuccessful.

Williams Shows Good Form.

Williams, however, was more successful, overcoming Rensselaer by the safe margin of 14 to 0. Her play was in good form for so early in the season, and her goal at no time seriously threatened. Toelan, at left half for Williams, was the particular star of the game, often getting away for long gains, two of his runs being for 55 yards The University will meet Williams on October 18.
