

Freshmen in Particular Requested to Report.--Experience Not Essential.

Candidates for both University and Freshman lacrosse teams are expected to report at the Locker Building today at 3.30 o'clock. The fall practice which commences this afternoon will continue for three weeks, the last week of which will be taken up by the annual scrub series, the winning team being awarded cups or medals. Freshmen especially are urged to report, that they may learn the fundamentals of the game in preparation for the regular season next spring. Absolutely no previous experience in or knowledge of the game is necessary, since the purpose of the fall practice is to instruct new men, and more especially Freshmen.

Candidates for Manager Wanted.

Candidates for position of second assistant lacrosse manager should report at Stoughton 3 tomorrow at 8 o'clock. The Freshman managers will be called out next spring.
