

It was about a year ago that the CRIMSON published an editorial on Harvard men in the Law School, deploring the fact that not one Harvard man was elected to the Law Review and that in a single year Harvard's representation on the paper had fallen 46 per cent. The editorial concluded with these words: "There appears to be no escape from the conclusion that the recent Review elections indicate a real deterioration in the quaity of work done by Harvard graduates in the Law School. Such a deterioration presents a problem which all Harvard men are called upon to face." But this year nothing of the sort need be said. In the Law Review elections announced this morning five of the fourteen men, or 36 per cent., are Harvard graduates. This has, indeed, been a quick recovery and we hope that it will prove permanent. Harvard graduates in the Law School evidently took to heart the criticism which they received. And the elections this year are the more gratifying because they tend to indicate that the sudden deterioration was merely a temporary lapse of ability or application.
