

M. Fernand Baldensperger to Give Three Courses in Comparative Literature.

The University is fortunate in having this year as an exchange professor, M. Fernand Baldensperger, of the Sorbonne. Professor Baldensperger will give three half-courses in Comparative Literature. Course 50, entitled "Etude de literature comparee," is a study of the conception of a gentleman among the French classicists of the 17th century. This course is conducted in French and is open to the public as well as to members of the University. Course 51 deals with problems of modern comparative literature, especially such as concern the relations of English and French literature. His other course, Comparative Literature 51, is an explanation of certain poems of Alfred de Vigny which are related in form or thought with works of the well-known English and German poets. Professor Baldensperger is regarded as the greatest authority in France on de Vigny. He has the further distinction of holding the first ond only professorship of comparative literature in the Sorbonne.
