

List of Prices and Places Where Tickets May be Procured.

H. A. A. tickets, which admit holders to all football games on Soldiers Field except the game with Yale; to all baseball games on Soldiers Field except the game with Yale; to membership in either the Weld or Newell Boat Club upon registering at the boat house and paying the required locker fee; and to all University track games on Soldiers Field, are now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's at $5.00 each.

Football Season Tickets.

Season tickets giving admission to all the football games played on Soldiers Field by the University team except that with Yale, are now on sale. They may be obtained at the following places: the Co-operative main store, Amee's, Leavitt & Peirce's, Brine's, Wright, & Ditson's, and the box office of the H. A. A. The price is $3.

Admission to Tennis Courts.

Tickets entitling the holder to twenty hours play on the University tennis courts may be obtained at Jarvis Field for $1.50. By buying one of these tickets the sum of 50 cents is saved as the regular price for play per hour is 10 cents.


New Arrangement for Automobiles.

A new arrangement will be in force for accommodating automobiles at the games this year. Tickets at 25 cents for all games except the Yale and Brown games, and for 50 cents at those, will be on sale in advance. These will admit an automobile with its entire party to the parking space which is to be enclosed by heavy wire. Regular tickets will then admit to the field. This arrangement will facilitate much the entrance of machines and prevent any persons from seeing the games without tickets.
