

Complete Instructions From Circular on How to Apply for Seats Under Moore's Changed System.

Tickets for the Cornell, Princeton, Brown and Yale games will be handled on a new application system this fall. Applicants will be limited to two seats for the Yale game and to four for each of the others.

Individual application blanks for these four games are being sent to all graduates eligible to apply who have filed signature cards. Applications from others will not be honored until their signature cards have been filed. Such cards may be obtained by sending stamp to the Harvard Athletic Association.

Students now in the University may obtain application blanks by applying in person at the Harvard Union. Students' blanks are not to be taken from the office, but must be filled out and handed in when obtained. No tickets for students will be mailed. They must be called for at the Harvard Union during the five days preceding the day of each game.

Applications for the Cornell game close October 18; Princeton game, October 24; Brown game, October 31; Yale game, November 6.

Cornell, Princeton and Brown Games.


In assigning tickets for these games, all applications for seats for personal use will be filled before those not for personal use. Applications from present members of the University will be preferred to those from former members. Applications for one seat to those for two seats, etc. One seat applications for personal use received after the sixth day before the date of closing will be filled in the order of their receipt.

Order of Preference.

Yale game, applicants for single seats. 1. College undergraduates (i.e. all students pursuing undergraduate studies); 2, College graduates (i.e. former undergraduates who remained in College two years or more) and University Officers (i.e. members of the Administrative Boards and Faculties); 3. School students (i.e. professional or graduate school students not classified above); 4. School graduates (i.e. men who were formerly school students and remained in school at least two academic years).

One seat applications received after November 1 will be filled in the order of their receipt.

Applicants for two seats. 1. Seniors, Juniors, and College Undergraduates who have attended College two academic years or more; 2. College graduates and University officers; 3. Freshmen, Sophomores, and undergraduates who have attended College less than two academic years; 4. School students; 5. School graduates.

Yale men attending any of the Harvard Graduate Schools must apply at New Haven for tickets to the Yale game.

Persons wishing to sit together may enclose their applications together, but such applications will be filled with those of the lowest classification enclosed:

Applications for more than one game must be accompanied by separate remittances.

Applications from men on the blacklist will be rejected.

Every applicant is held responsible for the tickets allotted to him. Any Harvard man whose tickets are found in the hands of a speculator will be blacklisted.

There are now 273 men on the blacklist.

This year the names and addresses of men to whom tickets for the Yale game are assigned will be embossed on their tickets.
