

Since College closed in June the office of Graduate Treasurer of Athletics has passed from the hands of Mr. W. F. Garcelon L. '95, resigned, to Mr. F. W. Moore '93. We should like first to express appreciation of Mr. Garcelon's work in organizing Harvard athletics and opening them as healthy pastimes to an increasing number of students. On August first his active work ceased and Mr. Moore entered office. As an undergraduate Mr. Moore had been manager of the University football team, and later had had experience in the position which he now resumes.

The undergraduates, who would at any time have stood ready to congratulate Mr. Moore, and wish him well, will be more than anxious to when they study and understand the system of ticket application and distribution which he has inaugurated. Its effect on the ultimate results of distribution will be little or nothing, except as it provides a surer prevention of speculation; but in the handling of the distribution it means an estimated economy of $4000. Three fourths of this will be saved in labor to the Athletic Association; the remainder will be saved in postage to members of the University.

It is for the undergraduate now to be grateful for the thought and labor, and they have been great, expended on the details of this ticket system, and to be patient with the minor defects to which it or any new scheme is liable on first trial. To Mr. Moore, as its originator and leader, belongs most of the credit. This stride toward greater economy and efficiency in the management of athletics shows that he is eager to relieve them of the old criticism of extravagance. We wish him success in his endeavors toward this end, that, as a result, Harvard's athletic equipment may be bettered and opened still more to the mass of undergraduates.
