
Football Team Resumes Practice

After a rest of three days the University football squad will resume work in earnest this afternoon. The quarterback candidates received a thorough drilling under Coach Haughton and assistant Coach Gardner over the week-end and a great improvement in the running of the backfield may be expected.

The coming week's practice will be most important. The squad has been thoroughly drilled in fundamentals; the coaches have had the opportunity to size up the material, and the real development of the team now begins.

The coaching staff will '13, lose the services of P. L. Wendell '13, who is entering the Medical School today.

The squad will be strengthened today by the arrival of W. T. Gardiner '14 and L. H. Mills '14. Gardiner is an experienced player and unless bothered by his injury should readily hold down a permanent position on the team. Though he played tackle during the season of 1911 when injury compelled him to retire, he possesses the qualities requisite for an end; the is speedy and a hard tackler, and may fill in the gap in the end made by Felton's graduation. Mills, though somewhat green, has the weight and build to make a first-class linesman and may be used in one of the guard positions.
