

Complete List of Final and Make-up Examinations for Today and Tomorrow in all Departments.

Following is a list of the final and make-up examinations for today and tomorrow, Unless otherwise state, all examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock. Examinations Today Chemistry 10,  Harvard 6 Chemistry 13,  Lawrence 6 Education 3b,  Harvard 6 English 4,  Harvard 6 French 19 hf.,  Harvard 6 French 22 hf.,  Harvard 5 German A:  Harvard 6 German A: Mr. Sievers's section I,  Emerson D Mr. Cawley's section II,  Emerson D Mr. Cawley's section IX,  Emerson D Mr. McCobb's section III,  Emerson D Mr. McCobb's section X,  Emerson D Herrick's section V,  Emerson J Dr. Eiserhardt's section VI,  Emerson J Professor Bierwirth's section VII,  Emerson J Dr. Pettengill's section IV,  Harvard 5 Dr. Pettengill's section VIII,  Harvard 5 Government 40,  Harvard 6 Indic Philol.5,  Warren House Mathematics 19,  Harvard 6 Philosophy 27,  Emerson D Philosophy 29,  Emerson D 2.30 P. M. French A: Sections I to IV (inclusive),  Emerson D Sections V and VI,  Emerson J Make-up Examinations Today. HARVARD 5. Chemistry 3.  Music 4. English 41. Graduate Schools of Applied Science. 9.15 A. M. Landscape Arch. 7,  Robinson Hall Landscape Arch., 9,  Robinson Hall Metallurgy 15,  Harvard 5 Examinations Tomorrow. Anthropology 10,  Peabody Mus. Astronomy 1: Abbott to Freitas (inclusive),  Pierce 209 Gates to Wyeth (inclusive),  Pierce 202 Celtic 3,  Sever 17 Chemistry 3,  Emerson D Comp. Lit. 7,  Sever 5 Economics 14,  Sever 6 English 3b,  Sever 5 English 11b,  Sever 6 English 29b,  Sever 30 English 54,  Holden Fine Arts 1d,  New Lec. Hall French 2, Sections VII, VIII, IX: Bates to Grainger (inclusive),  Sever 23 Greider to Myrick (inclusive),  Sever 24 Newton to Zimmerman (inclusive),  Sever 29 French 7,  New Lec. Hall Geology B,  Fogg Lec.rm. German 1b: Dr. Weber's section I,  Emerson A Dr. Lieder's section II,  Emerson F German 2B: Professor Howard's section I,  Sever 17 Dr. Eiserhardt's section II,  Sever 18

German 2c  Emerson JGerman3,  Robinson 1f.Government 5,  Emerson DGreek 1b  Sever 29History 10a,  Harvard 6 History 24b,  Div. LibLatin B:Sect. I, II,  Sever 36Sect. III,  Sever 35Latin 8,  Sever 35Mathematics B,  Zool. Lec.rm.Mathematics 2b I,  Harvard 5Mathematics 5,  Pierce 209Music 2a hf.,  HoldenPhilosophy 4,  Emerson JSemitic 4,  Sem. Mus. 2Semitic 13,  Sem. Mus 2,Social Ethics 6,  Emerson JSpanish 1 Sections V. VI:Atkins to Drew (inclusive),  Sever 1Epstein to Olds (inclusive),  Sever 2O'Shea to Whistler (inclusive),  Sever 8Spanish 3,  Harvard 6Zoology & Botany 11,  Zool. Lec.rm.2.30 P. M.Economics 9:Abeles to Mullen (inclusive),  Emerson DNason to Young (inclusive),  Emerson
