

Ground Recently Broken for Long Desired Link Between Agassiz and Peabody. Structures.

Work has been begun on the structure joining the Peabody and University Museums. This connection has long been desired but the required funds were not forth-coming until very recently, when many contributions were received from persons interested in the growth of the museums. When the addition is completed there will be but one large building, opening at the front door of the Peabody Museum. This arrangement was the original plan of Louis Agassiz h.LL.D. '48, who founded the museum which bears his name, but it could not be carried out heretofore because of the lack of sufficient funds. Consequently sections have been added one by one as rapidly as possible. The present projection is the final addition. The connecting doors will be on the first and third floors.

The new part will probably contain more geological than archaeological specimens at first, though the Peabody Museum will utilize the spaces as far as it is needed. There will also be a large library, containing the united libraries of the Museums. A projection will extend in toward the north, providing rooms for a few offices. Also a public entrance will be erected here, corresponding to the door on the opposite wing - the east wing of the other building. Thus the symmetry which was originally planned will be completed.

Ground was broken for the new projection last week, and the cellar is now being dug. It is expected that the roof will be on by next November and the building ready for the dedication ceremony about a year from now.
