

Will Be Held Tomorrow and Saturday.--Other Senior Affairs.

For the benefit of those who have not already provided themselves with tickets for Class Day, there will be a public sale at the Alumni Office, 50 State street, Boston, tomorrow, from 9 to 4, at the Lodge of the '77 Gate on Saturday morning, and all day Class Day. The prices of tickets will be: Stadium, $1.50; Memorial, $1; Yard, 35 cents.

Sanders Tickets for Seniors.

If there are any Seniors who have not procured tickets for the Sanders Theatre exercises, or if any wish additional tickets for those exercises, they may get them either at the sale on Saturday morning, or on Class Day, at $1 each.

Box Lists Due Tomorrow.

Seniors are reminded that tomorrow noon is positively the latest time that names can be handed in that are to appear on the box list at the Senior Spread. This list is to be printed and used to locate people in their respective boxes the night of the dance. Send in names to the Senior Spread Committee, Hollis 27, at once. 1913 SENIOR SPREAD COMMITTEE.
