

An effort is being made today to secure a large number of old text-books used in this year's courses, especially the large elementary ones, such as History 1 and Economics 1. These books will be put in the Text-Book Loan Library at Phillips Brooks House for use next year at a nominal charge by men who find it difficult to buy the books out-right. As an evidence of the increase in usefulness of the Library, we may compare the 130 men accommodated last year with the 375 men this year. A continually increasing number of men are showing an interest in supporting this Library, among them several of the professors. For example, Professor Taussig donated 15 sets of his "Principles of Economics," which have been constantly in use during the year. To the multitude of millionaires who sell their old books for a few cents a pound, thereby manifesting that they do not really need the money, we suggest that they give them to the Text-Book Loan Library.
