There is danger that the plan of putting electric lights into the Senior dormitories may fall through, for $125 is still lacking to complete the fund. Besides the $3500 voted by the Corporation, pledges ranging from $1 to $15 have been received to the amounts of $1502 from the Junior class and 876.50 from the Sophomore class.
As all pledges are void unless the lights are installed by next October, the campaign of this spring will have been absolutely fruitless unless the $125 still needed is raised at once. Pledge slips will be found at Leavitt & Peirce's where they may be signed for any amount. Payment is not due till next February. A large number of Sophomores who have not pledged anything should feel it their duty to do so before leaving Cambridge, while all men who wish to increase their pledges should sign another slip, marking it "additional pledge." It is absolutely essential to obtain $125 more, and $200 should be raised in order that men who do not return to college next year may be relieved from paying.
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