

Names of Twelve Candidates to Appear on Final Ballot.--Six Vacancies.

As a result of the postal ballot for the nomination of Overseers, the names of the twelve candidates will appear on the final ballot, arranged according to their standing on the postal ballot, as follows:

George Herbert Palmer '64, of Cambridge; William Roscoe Thayer '81, of Cambridge; Frederick Cheever Shattuck '68, of Boston; Harlan Page Amen '79, of Exeter, N. H.; Frederick Perry Fish '75, of Boston; Langdon Parker Marvin '98, of New York; Rodolphe Louis Agassiz '92, of Boston; John White Hallowell '01, of Boston; Charles Harrison Tweed '65, of New York; Grafton Dulany Cushing '85, of Boston; Frederick Winsor '93, of Concord, Mass.; Carl August de Gersdorff '87, of New York.

This year there are five vacancies to be filled for the full term of six years and one vacancy for a term of four years because of the resignation of Jerome D. Greene '96.
