Following is the program for the pop concert in Symphony Hall this evening: 1.March, "The Students," Ganne 2. Overture, "The Siren," Auber 3. Waltz, "Nachtschwarmen," Zierher 4. Overture, "Labelle Helene," Offenbach 5. Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 9, Liszt 6. Largo, Handel Organ, Mr. Marshall; Violin, Mr. Hoffman; Harp, Mr. Rogers. 7. Selection, "II Trovatore," Verdi 8. Carnaval, Guiraud 9. Overture, "William Tell," Rossini 10. Waltz, "Endymion," Maquarre 11. Serenade, Ambrosio 12. March, "Loraine," Ganne
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