

Practice Baseball Game on Soldiers Field at 3.30 o'clock.

The Freshman baseball team will meet Malden High in a practice game on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The Freshmen were defeated by Cambridge High and Latin yesterday by the score of 4 to 1, Coach Reeves pitching. The High School boys rallied in the ninth and scored three runs.

Tickets for Game With Yale.

Tickets for the Yale Freshman game to be played on Soldiers Field Friday morning at 10.30 o'clock are now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Co-operative Branch and the Rendezvous at 25 cents each. H. A. A. tickets will not admit to the game.

Second Baseball With Newton High.

The second University baseball team will play Newton High School, at Newton, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The squad will meet in Harvard square at 1.40 o'clock.


The probable line-up is as follows: Winter s.s.; Bernson, 3b.; Bettle, l.f.; Steele, e.f.; Harvey, 2b.; Mason, r.f.; Starbuck, 1b.; Osborn, c.; Boyle, p.
