The Class of 1913 of the Harvard Law School assembled for the last time at its dinner in the Union last night, was addressed by men distinguished in almost every phase of public life.
Professor Willisten of the Law School was the first speaker. The trend of his remarks was toward an appeal to the men to accept responsibility. It is the only means of ascertaining ability. Mr. Williams of the Boston Transcript made an appeal for the co-operation of the press with the experts of government,-the lawyers, in correctly presenting the issues of the day to the people. He advocated the affiliation of lawyers through the bar associations with political parties. Professor Pound outlined a clear case against the election of judges, attributing all the present discontent with the courts to the system of election now prevalent, and strongly advising reversion to the old system of appointment. The former president of the American Bar Association, Mr. Storey, took his stand against Mr. Williams, advising lawyers to stand for principles, not for parties. His special advice to young lawyers was to go slowly at first, to be temperate in all things, and to remember that the lawyer's most valuable asset in character.
Representing the faculty of the School more particularly, Dean Thayer extended to the graduating class hospitality and good wishes. He expressed a hope for the closer connection of he graduates with the school.
Ex-President Taft on the Courts.
Ex-President Taft took a middle position on the question of parties and principles, declaring that at present, parties, though imperfect, afford the only practical means of interpreting the opinion of the voters. The main theme of his address, however, concerned the present coition of the courts. He declared that "in many places the administration of civil justice is a disgrace to this country. In the western states, particularly, the people have harmed the courts to an extent that is almost irremediable. The same change that has characterized the wanton election of judges has extended to other offices." It is for men with such unexcelled training as the Harvard Law School affords, to carry the courts through this crisis. If the trouble is due not so much to the judges and the bar as to the people, them bring in "a government in which the people shall consent and insist on putting upon themselves the restraint which shall show them worthy to govern themselves."
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