

President Lowell leaves today on an extended western trip which will carry him, as far as Denver. His arduous program calls for speeches before local Harvard Clubs in many cities of the Middle West, and for visits to many colleges, including Northwestern University, the State University of Iowa, and the four exchange colleges. Beloit, Knox, Grinnell, and Colorado. He will also give many talks to high school students, and in the smaller cities he will stop to meet delegations of Harvard graduates. His ultimate destination is St. Louis, where on May '24, he will address the annual meeting of the Associated Federation of Harvard Clubs.

The purpose of President Lowell's trip is twofold. To all the people of the Middle West he carries a message of good will and friendship from Harvard. To the Harvard graduates scattered over the country he brings news of the progress, and conditions, and needs of the University. Just at this time when Harvard is developing into a great national university, President Lowell's trip is peculiarly auspicious. Each year has seen an increase in the number of western men at Harvard, especially in the graduate schools. But, unfortunately in many places throughout the West knowledge of life and conditions at Harvard is vague and distorted, and the peculiar advantages of a great metropolitan university are unknown. President Lowell carries to the West the truth about the University, its life, and its opportunities. The message to the graduates is equally important. Many changes have come in the last ten years of which even recent graduates can scarcely be aware. It is, them, to inform these men of the new conditions and new needs which have arisen that President Lowell is under-taking this strenuous tour of the West.
