
1916 Hockey Insignia Awarded

The following members of the Freshman hockey team have been awarded numerals in accordance with the recent Student Council ruling: F. S. Allen, of Harrison, N. Y.; C. S. Clark, of Philadelphia, Pa,; L. Curtis 2d, of Boston; A. F. Doty, of Waltham; E. C. G. Ervin, of Villa Nova, Pa; C. C. Felton, of Havenford, Pa.; B. F. Herrick, Jr. of Milton; J. R. Ruriburt, of Boston; D. P. Rumsey of Bualo, N. Y.; E. M. Townsend, Jr. of Oyster Ray, N. Y.; E. M. Wanamaker of Melrose Highlands; R. T. Whistler (manager), of Baltimore. Md.; F. H. L. Whitmarsh of New York, N. T.
