


Examinations begin at 9.15 A. M., except any that are or may be announced for 2.30 P. M., and must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever."

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Wednesday, May 28. Botany 6,  Sever 18 Chemistry 4,  Sever 5, 6 Class. Arch. 5,  Sever 17 Economics 11  Sever 17 English 19,  Sever 18 English 48,  Sever 29 French 5,  Sever 6 French 14,  Sever 18 French 16,  Sever 18 Geology 18,  Sever 23 German H,  Sever 26 German 15,  Harvard 5.

Government 17,  Harvard 6Hist. of Religions 2,  Harvard 5Indic Philology 1b,  Warren HouseIndic Philology 9,  Warren HouseLatin E hf.,  Sever 18Mathematics 25,  Sever 30Philosophy E,  Emerson D, J,New Lec. Hall, Sever 30, 35, 36Philosophy 22,  Emerson FSemitic 10,  Sem. Mus. 3Thursday, May 29.Anthropology 8,  Sever 18Chemistry A,  New Lect. Hall,  Harvard 5, 6Chemistry 6,  Robinson 1 fl.Celtic 3,  Fogg Lec. Hall,English 24,  Sever 17, 18English 64,  Zool. Lec.-rm.Fine Arts 3a,  Fogg Lec.-rm.Fine Arts 9,  Emerson DGeology 5,  Sever 29, 30Geology 10,  Sever 6German 26b,  Sever 17Government 7,  Wadsworth 15History 2b,  Emerson DHistory 23b,  Sever 30History 35,  Harvard 6Hist. of Religions 5,  Sever 6Mathematics 2a,  Sever 5, 6Mathematics 13,  Sever 36Music 3,  Holden, Harvard 6Philosophy 6b,  Emerson JPhilosophy 11,  Emerson JPhilosophy 28,  Emerson JPhysics B,  Sever 35, 36Physics 9,  Harvard 6Spanish 4 hf.,  Emerson JSaturday, May 31.Anthropology 12,  Sever 30Botany 13,  Emerson DChemistry 24,  Emerson DEconomics 3,  New. Lec. HallEngin. Sciences 3b,  Robinson HallFrench 2 X-XI,  Harvard 5French 3,  Emerson JGerman 13,  Emerson DItalian 5,  Sever 30Latin A,  Sever 30Mathematics D,  Sever 35, 36Mathematics 31,  Sever 6Slavic 5,  Emerson DSpanish 1, Sect. 1,  Sever 6Monday, June 2.Astronomy E,  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 1b,  Zool. Lec.-rm.Chemistry 15,  Zool. Lec.-rm.Class. Arch. 1b,  Sever 30Class. Philol. 63,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 22,  Sever 29Economics 1,  New Lec. Hall  Emerson D, J, Harvard 5, 6,  Sever 35, 36Fine Arts 1b hf.,  Fogg Lec.-rm.Fine Arts 2f,  Fogg Lec.-rm.French 1 I-III,  Pierce 202, 209Government 4,  Sever 6, 8Greek B II,  Sever 30History 5,  Robinson 1 fl.History 12 hf.,  Sever 5History 15  Sever 17History 42  HoldenItalian 1,  Sever 17Italian 10,  Sever 24Mathematics A,  Sever 18, 23, 24Mathematics 17,  Sever 29Mathematics 18b,  Sever 29Mineralogy 12,  Mineral. Lab.Music 5 hf.,  HoldenPhysics 17,  HoldenScandinavian 2,  Holden2.30 P. M.Economics 4b,  Emerson D, JTuesday, June 3.Chemistry 10,  Harvard 6Chemistry 13,  Harvard 6Education 3b,  Lawrence 6English 4,  Harvard 6French 19 hf.,  Harvard 5French 22 hf.,  Harvard 6German A,  Emerson D, J, Harvard 5Government 40,  Harvard 6Indic Philol. 5,  Warren HouseMathematics 19,  Harvard 6Philosophy 27,  Emerson DPhilosophy 29,  Emerson D2.30 P. M.French A,  Emerson D, JAnthropology 10,  Fogg Lec.-rm.Astronomy 10,  Pierce 202, 209Chemistry 3,  Emerson DComp. Lit. 7,  Sever 5Economics 14,  Sever 6English 3b,  Sever 5English 11b,  Sever 6English 29b,  Sever 30English 54,  HoldenFine Arts 1d,  New Lec. HallFrench 2 VII-IX,  Sever 23, 24, 29French 7,  New Lec. HallGeology B,  Fogg Lec.-rm.German 1b,  Emerson A, FGerman 2a,  Sever 17, 18German 2c,  Emerson JGerman 3,  Robinson 1 fl.Government 5,  Emerson DGreek 1b,  Sever 29History 10a,  Harvard 6History 24b,  Div. Lib.Latin B:Sect. I, II,  Sever 36Sect. III,  Sever 35Latin 8,  Sever 35Mathematics B,  Zool. Lec.-rm.Mathematics 2b I,  Harvard 5Mathematics 5,  Pierce 209Music 2a hf.,  HoldenPhilosophy 4,  Emerson JSemitic 4,  Sem. Mus. 2Semitic 13,  Sem. Mus. 2Social Ethics 6,  Emerson JSpanish 1 V-VI,  Sever 1, 2, 8Spanish 3,  Harvard 6Zoology & Botany 11,  Zool. Lec.-rm.2.30 P. M.Economics 9,  Emerson D, JThursday, June 5.Astronomy 5,  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 7,  Emerson JClass. Philol. 23,  Sever 29Comp. Lit. 1,  Emerson DComp. Lit. 8,  Sever 18English 14,  Emerson JEnglish 35,  Emerson JFine Arts 5e,  Emerson JFrench 1:Sects. IV, V,  Sever 36Sect. VI,  Sever 35Greek G,  Sever 29Greek 10,  Sever 30Greek 12,  Sever 30History 13,  Harvard 5,6History 31,  Emerson DHist. of Religions 6,  Sever 17Latin B IV, V,  Sever 17Mathematics 10,  Sever 18Mathematics 14b,  Sever 30Physics C,  Zool. Lec.-rm.  Pierce 202, 209Physics 1,  Sever 5, 6Physics 4c,  Sever 29Spanish 8 hf,  Sever 35Friday, June 6.Economics 13,  Sever 6Engin. Sciences 3,  Pierce 302Fine Arts 10a,  Sever 6French 3,  Sever 5German 18 hf.,  Emerson DGovernment 15,  Sever 5Government 19,  Sever 17Greek 7 hf.,  Sever 17Music 1,  HoldenPhilosophy B,  Emerson D, J. ARomance Philol. 4,  Sever 17Spanish 7 hf.,  Sever 172.30 P. M.Greek E hf.,  Sever 5Greek 3 hf.,  Sever 5Saturday, June 7.Botany 7,  HoldenClass. Philol. 22,  Sever 17Class. Philol. 60,  Sever 30Economics 8,  New Lec. HallEconomics 31,  Sever 2
