

Connected With University for Twenty Years, Was Editor of Alumni Bulletin at Time of Death.

John Hays Gardiner '85, Editor of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, and lately assistant Professor of English, died of heart disease at a private hospital in Boston last night, after an acute illness of about six weeks.

Professor Gardiner was born April 6, 1863. He entered Harvard College in 1881 and graduated with the Class of 1885. He was president of the Alpha Delta Phi Club. For two years he studied at the Law School and subsequently took up the teaching of English to which he devoted nearly twenty years of service in the University, as instructor, and assistant professor. Having withdrawn from active association with the University in 1910, he responded eagerly to the opportunity of rendering further service to the University and the Alumni through the columns of the Bulletin, and his interest in the welfare of the paper remained unabated till his death, which he faced during the last weeks of his illness with characteristic fortitude.

Professor Gardiner took a considerable part in the teaching of English literature and Composition and was at one time in charge of English A. His chief interest lay in a course on the English Bible and in enriching the collection of Bibles in the College Library. He was the author of "Forms of Prose Literature." "Elements of English Composition," and "The Bible as English Literature." At the time of his death he left unfinished a history of the University.

Notice of the funeral will be printed in tomorrow's CRIMSON.
